Saturday 23 February 2013

I'm nearly there..! :D

How are you all today on Saturday the 23rd of February?

I'm actually in a reeeally good mood today! <3 I'm not exactly sure why, but I just feel really happy and my day has been pretty awesome!
I went into town with my sister from anooda' mister, Milkshake (which is my name for her x,D) and we did some shopping and ate at this surprisingly fancy restaurant which our cinema recently got finished, so yesh! :D and it was tastyyy! nomnommm :3

But as well as having a good day, I also feel like ME, MYSELF am quite happy :3 I just feel good about myself and that's something I've wanted for SO long now...a tiring journey to finally accept yourself as you are is a hard thing to accomplish :c but...I feel like I'm nearly there!
The one thing I really want is to find myself; I don't know what that means so I don't know how to do it, but with the fact I'm becoming happier, I feel like I may be able to reach that goal someday! :]
I feel pressured by society to always look perfect when I know fully well no one can ever be perfect...though some people may look it, no one is.
 I have been self-conscious about my looks and weight for SO long and I realise that WHEN does it ever matter? Why does your appearance matter?
It only matters when YOU make it matter.
I am slowly becoming better at accepting myself :) my flaws is what makes me ME and...why would I ever want to be anyone else?
Honestly. I have a GREAT life! I have a family that loves me (no matter how strange and...'bratty' I can be sometimes XD) friends that love me. I have a good job and my College course is going well and even though sometimes I get stressed out, I need to remember that I shouldn't take that stress out on myself and bring myself down because it's not worth the hurt.
As Dalai Llama would say..
 "You are unique, nothing can replace you."
So. A message to me and everyone else out there who feels a similar way..
Be yourself and don't let anyone ever tell you you aren't good enough, because you are and always will be!

I mean, everyone has those days where you feel down and upset and that feeling takes over every emotion in your body and you feel like nothing.
But if you are ever in that mood, you should won't last forever! Life is too short to feel down and depressed, make the most of what you can and enjoy everything your life offers!
TRY to take risks! TRY to get out of your comfort zone! Trust me, I know how hard that is...but it can be done in little steps, not just huge ones! :3

I'm not really sure how I got from talking about my day to this but...yea! :3
I just want to write something for myself to read if I'm ever having one of those days~

 "Believe in yourself." -Dalai Llama

Remember to be strong and to be the best YOU!

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