Friday 8 March 2013

Early morning thoughts while still half asleep -.-

Well hay there! tired (ノдヽ)
So, I thought it would be interesting to write a blog and see what random things come to my head while in this...state! :,]
Well. All I know right now is that I'm craving cold pizza. Yea, not just pizza!
Cold pizza.
How specific.
But it's sooo good and omg I could just eat pizza nao like aahh pizza!! Nommmnomm yeaaaa :3
Blaaaahsndocnsjkl! -.-
CATS. SO KAWAII~! (^._.^)ノ <3
Oh yea there is an app. on my phone called Pou (or something?) and idk what it is? Do you raise a Poo? I mean...Pou? Oh god, let's NOT go there!! o.o
You know how in cartoons, people will put little sticks in their...eyes to stop them from closing when they are tired? Do you think that would work? Or would it just be
painful? -~-
I just got Spitfire to move into my town on this MLP app. <3 I want Rainbow Dash; she be da best pony eva, like 5eva! B]
Seriously. MLP is amazing and for those of you who don't watch it...shame! -.-
Rainbow Dash is my favourite <3 then Fluttershy :3 she is like my pony alter-ego! o.o her personality is like...MY personality! :,) we're shy twosome~ c:
My eyes are closing so I shall take my leave knowing I'll read this later and think wtf. xD
Byesies~! :3

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