Sunday 13 May 2018

I'm Moving!

Hay buddies~! :3

This is going to be a really short post...I think??? ( ^ ^ )"
I'm just making this quick blog to say that I'm Moving! a new of thing? :,)
Basically I've been wanting to make a new blog for a while just so I can start fresh somewhere and have...I don't know, really. Just a place that contains blogs that all have a common theme instead of what I have here. That kinda just means that I'm a bit embarrassed about some of my old blogs and don't really like them :,)
So I made a new blog so I can post purely anime, manga, game (..and anything else along those lines) related content and...maybe the odd update that hopefully won't embarrass me in a few years :,)

And I don't really think I have any followers here even though my blog posts do get a good amount of views, but I thought I'd post the link to my new blog anyway just in case :3

Here ya' go! :D
Serah Write Things~ [WordPress]

If you choose to follow me...

I'll be seeing you there~