Wednesday 14 September 2016

Seasonal Anime Tag~

Summer Anime Tag 


I'm back again for another seasonal anime tag~! This time, it's for the Summer Season that is just about to end. But I think I know enough about each series to do the tag now, like I don't think I need to wait for the last episode before I can do this :,)
Before this season started, I was really excited as it looked like a lot of great series would be airing! A couple of weeks in, though.. I was very disappointed;; There were some great series, sure! But the bad ones definitely outnumbered the good :<
Even so, I had fun with this season; I could still enjoy the bad series! And when I say "enjoy"...I mean laugh at how crappy they were >:D
So with that all said...
Let's get staaaarted~! 

[ Remember, of course, that the answers to these questions are all my opinion. So don't get all freaky if I dislike something you like ]

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List of Summer Series I watched;

- 91 Days (recommend)
- Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari 2nd
- Amaama to Inazuma (recommend)
- Amanchu!
- Ange Vierge
- Arslan Senki (TV): Fuujin Ranbu (recommend)
- B-Project: Koudou*Ambitious
- Bananya (recommend because it's just so freaking cute! XD)
- Battery
- Berserk (2016)
- Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! LOVE!
- Cheer Danshi!!
- Days (TV) (recommend)
- Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu
- Fukigen na Mononokean (recommend)
- Handa-kun (recommend)
- Hatsukoi Monster
- Hitori no Shita: The Outcast
- Love Live! Sunshine!! (recommend...I actually like this better than the original School Idol Project!)
- Mob Psycho 100
- Nanatsu no Taizai: Seisen no Shirushi (recommend)
- Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin (recommend)
- New Game! (recommend)
- Orange (recommend)
- Qualidea Code
- ReLIFE (recommend)
- Regalia: The Three Sacred Stars (which stopped because of quality issues?? But will apparently start airing again in the Fall Season??)
- Rewrite
- Saiki Kusou no Ψ Nan (TV) (recommend)
- Scared Riders Xechs
- Servamp
- Shokugeki no Souma: Ni na Sara (recommend)
- Show By Rock!! Short!! (recommend if you're familiar with the original TV series)
- Taboo Tattoo
- Tales of Zestiria the X (recommend)
- Tsukiuta. The Animation

List of Summer ONA's I watched;

- Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume (recommend)

List of Summer OVA's I watched;

- Non Non Biyori Repeat OVA (airing September 23rd)
- Overlord: Ple Ple Pleiades OVA (airing September 30th)
- Starmyu OVA (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Under the Dog

List of Summer Movie's I watched;

- Da Yu Hai Tang (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Kimi no Na wa. (it's out... but I may be going to watch it at the cinema with friends in November, so I haven't seen it yet.. XD)
- Koe no Katachi (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Kuroko no Basket Movie 1: Winter Cup Soushuuhen - Kage to Hikari (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)

List of Summer Special's I watched;

- Dimension W Special (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Durarara!!x2 Ketsu: Dufufufu!! (recommend)
- Joker Game: Kuroneko Yoru no Bouken (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Kuma Miko Specials

1. What was the best anime?
The best anime, without a doubt, was Tales of Zestiria the X!

I was already familiar with Tales of Zestiria having played some of the game beforehand, so I was definitely excited for this series! *ω* And... Omggg~ 
It. Is. AMAZING! >/ /<
First of all... Congratu(fucking)lations to ufotable!!! You make seriously orgasmic looking animation and Tales of Zestiria the X was so beautiful~ ;ω; I literally couldn't fault it at all! Sometimes when a series nears the end, the animation starts to lack a little bit (especially when some characters aren't the main focus of a scene as they may be missing certain facial elements.. ^^;) but ufotable doesn't have that problem!! Tales of Zestiria the X has remained flawless throughout!! ω
Second of all... I also LOVED how they had two episodes dedicated to the start of Tales of Berseria which is set in the same world as Tales of Zestiria just a long time before! I loved seeing Velvet Crowe in action, like.. Wow! She's hot ;3
ALSO! My love, fhána arranged a beautiful ending song and FLOW performed just an equally awesome opening song AND ending song (for episode 6)! AND YAY! Episode 5 even had White Light by Superfly which is the intro song for the actual game of Tales of Zestiria!!! *ω*
*fangirlfangirlfangirl* ..okay. Okay! It's okay, I'm alright.. ; v ;
As for a quick rundown of the actual story.. ^^;
Tales of Zestiria the X follows Sorey, a young boy who grew up in a small village with Seraphim which are spirits that can't be seen by other humans. There is a folklore that speaks of a Shepard who will lead the way into a new world where humans and Seraphim can live and coexist together and Sorey wants to see that folklore come to be! He decides to leave the village and travel to the Capital where, through various events, he becomes this Shepard of legend and must lead the way to cast away the calamity of the world! (KYAH!) As he continues his mission and meets more Seraphim and humans, he begins to realise just how serious the role he has is and must learn to be the great Shepard the legend speaks of! (KYAH!)
OMG! It's just SO GOOD! 
I mean, obviously there are some differences from the game to the anime, but hardly anything that makes it less enjoyable. Personally I thought those changes worked really well in the anime! *ω*
Seriously, I'm telling you! I can't recommend this series enough! Just watch it, already!!! >/ /<

[ my rating; 10/10 on MAL ]

2. What was the worst anime?
The worst anime has to be Ange Vierge.

The fact this anime was based off a card game causes skepticism anyway, but it definitely was a load of crap :,)
I mean, the actual story has promise! I really liked the idea they had which was that the universe contained five separate worlds and that one day, they collided and were in danger of destruction. I think that's really cool! *ω*
But the way the story was carried out was really very poor and the characters are very typical to this kind of series.. I'm just always bored when watching this;;
When the different worlds collided, this power awakens within teenage girls called Exceed and there is this special school which they attend which teaches them how to use said power.
It could have been good.. But it really wasn't;; I advise you stay away from this series.
It's for your own good ^^;

[ my rating; 2/10 on MAL ]

3. What was your favourite anime?
My favourite anime has to be (has, has, HAS to be!) Amaama to Inazuma!

This beautiful ;ω; not just physically, but emotionally as well! ;ω;
Basically the story follows Kouhei Inuzuka who is a teacher and has been caring for his young daughter, the ridiculously-cute-it-should-be-illegal Tsumugi by himself since his wife's death;;
He isn't very skilled at cooking, so more often than not, him and Tsumugi end up eating boxed lunches and packaged meals from convenience stores. By chance one day when he goes with Tsumugi to view the cherry blossoms, he encounters one of his students, Kotori Iida (who he doesn't recognise at first) and she ends up giving him a card with the address to her family restaurant on it.
One day, he ends up going there with Tsumugi and cooks a meal with Kotori. He eventually realises that she is a student of his and she confesses to him that her mother is rarely around and, as a result, she ends up eating by herself. So she asks him if, every now and then, he and Tsumugi could join her is making meals and eating together. And that's how they end up cooking delicious meals together!
It may sound kind of...dull to some people if you don't like this kind of thing...
But it's seriously such a sweet, cute and lovely series! 
I always got SO excited when Monday came around as watching this would always make me feel so happy and at peace! ;ω; I even started reading the manga because I love it so much! I know I'm going to cry when the last episode airs next week, I'm seriously going to miss watching this so much! ;A;
If you're like me and enjoy anime series that are light-hearted, slow in pace with a touch of emotion and comedy, you will love this! I promise! It's just...a wonderful series! ♡

[ my rating; 10/10 on MAL ]

4. What was your favourite OP. song?
As you can see, I watched an awful lot of series this season :,) so it was really hard to think of an answer for this! > <; in the end, I decided to go with Tenkyou no Alderamin (Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin).

I went with this opening song because I am very weak against Kishida Kyoudan & The Akeboshi Rockets. They have such an awesome sound and they always, always, always make the best songs! *ω*
Sidenote!! Yatori is the best girl omf-- >/ / /<

5. What was your favourite ED. song?
Again, another hard question :,) like with the OP. songs, I loved so many;; but I ended up going with HIDE-AND-SEEK (Handa-kun).

The animation for the ED. sequence changes...each episode, I think since a new fan (or multiple fans) of Handa keep on appearing :,) but it's still the same song and I LOVE it! :,) SuzuKen's voice is so good and I could just literally listen to him sing this for hours on end :,)

6. Who was your favourite seiyuu of the season?
I thought about this a lot and I ended up choosing Eri Suzuki (voiced Hikari "Pikari" Kohinata from Amanchu!).

Pikari is such a cutie pie *ω*
Her "Whoop!" is SO cute as well! >/ / /<
Pikari is one of those characters who just seems so happy and hyper all the time! :3 she's also really cute, funny and super sweet! ..and very energetic about diving, too! ^^;
Eri Suzuki hasn't had a huge amount of roles yet; she's still fairly new to the industry. But she has a lot of promise, I think! She definitely has Pikari's personality down to a T and voices her hyperactivity perfectly! ♡
And because of Eri-chan, Pikari is definitely one of my favourite characters this season! I just want to hug her and have her "Whoop!" for me all the time! ..that isn't a dirty thing, btw!! ^^;
Pikari just has a habit of saying "Whoop!" every now and then! Seriously. It's adorable! /)/ / /(\

7. Who was your favourite male character?
This took a while to decide, but once I had decided, it seemed so obvious! I chose Suwa Hiroto from Orange.

Suwa is literally the bestest friend anybody could ever want! Ever.
Regarding is personality in general, he is very outgoing and energetic! He is also very positive and smiles a lot! ♡ ..he is also very popular with the ladies >:3
..just maybe not with the lady he would like;;
Now as to why he is my favourite male character!
He looks out for Kakeru with so much passion! He does everything he can to bring a smile to Kakeru's face and reminds Kakeru how he and everyone else are always there for him and if Kakeru ever has anything sad weighing on his mind, to talk about it to them. He doesn't want to smile if Kakeru can't truly smile;;
Also. Suwa is in love with Naho, but Naho and Kakeru are in love with each other. Suwa knows this and he puts his own feelings aside to work hard to make those two happy together! Like, if that isn't a good friend... Please, just tell me what is!;;
He feels that because there is a parallel world where in the future, him and Naho are married and have a child, he can work hard to bring Naho and Kakeru close together in this world.
..that all makes more sense if you're familiar with the story :,)
And, in all honesty, while I support Kakeru and Naho...there is no hiding the fact that Suwa and Naho are perfect together, as well! And it just makes me feel so many things knowing that Suwa is setting aside his feelings if it means Kakeru and Naho can be happy together;;
I love him SO much! He is such a wonderful guy ;~;

8. Who is your favourite female character?
A little thought went into this one, but in the end I went with Kagari from Rewrite.

LOOK at dat face!! LEMME AT DEM CHEEKS!! ♡ω♡
She is perfectly adorable! >/ /ω/ /<
I want to make her my pet. I will carry her around with me everywhere, sleep with her in my bed, takes baths with her and feed her and give her all the DAMN coffee she wants!
D-Did that get a little weird..? ^^; *cough*
As for the anime in general, I'm really surprised that I'm not as hooked as I thought I would be;; Rewrite is a Visual Novel developed by Key and if you don't know Key..
Do you even Visual Novel?!
Key has a reputation for developing wonderful Visual Novels and Rewrite was one of them! But the anime just isn't delivering what I thought it would;; Honestly, I have a hard time following it sometimes..
But once Kagari came into it, I was a little happier! ♡
She is an angel with a coffee addiction voiced by the always amazing Kana Hanazawa and I love this precious child! *flaaaaails arms frantically* >/ / /<
It's quite hard to define her personality.. But she is quite childlike in both appearance and personality and she obviously plays a large role in the story so I'm looking forward to seeing how that turns out.
She's just...a total cutie and I just WANT her but not in a sexual way--!
OMG! I need to stop now, don't I? :,)

9. Who was your least favourite character?
To answer this, I went with Kaho Nikaidou from Hatsukoi Monster.

If you aren't watching this anime, you're probably looking at this picture and thinking..
 "Now what could possibly be wrong with her? She looks so innocent.."
Yea, well... She is. TOO innocent.
Seriously, Kaho! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!
She is 15 and is dating a 10 year old. Like. What. The. Fuck.
This is a girl who is dating a boy who still calls it a willy and makes jokes about poop >. >
*face palm*
I mean, the anime in general is weird (..though it does make me laugh sometimes .-.) but why... WHYY does she not see how wrong it is that she is dating a 10 year old boy?! Yea, he doesn't actually LOOK 10.. BUT THAT ISN'T THE POINT!!!!
..I'm sorry :,) ..but this just doesn't sit right in my head. Like, I can't understand this :,)
*siiiiiigh* I'm done. I'll hurt my brain if I think about this anymore :,)
So, yea. Kaho? Don't like her. She is too naïve and stooooopid! :F

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So that was my Summer Anime Tag!
The next season of anime will be the Fall season which is...actually when I started doing this! Wow.. I can't believe it's been a year already! That's kinda freaky;;
Thankfully I'm not going to be watching nearly as many series as I have done for this season, so I can go back and watch some series I missed or have still yet to see :3
So that should be good! ^ω^

I hope you enjoyed reading this tag!
And if you're interested, here is a link to my MAL account :3

Thank you for reading and have a great day! n.n
