Monday 27 March 2017

Seasonal Anime Tag~

☆ Winter Anime Tag 

Yahalloooo~ (^ _ ^)/
..i-it's been a while, hasn't it? ^^;

I have no excuse for my absence. *bows*
Though...I really doubt anyone noticed or cares... Though I'd like to think at least one person cares ( ; 3 ; )
But anyway!!! >ω<
I'm back (again) with my Seasonal Anime Tag~! This time for the Winter Season as you may have already guessed from the heading ^^
As far as this season was fairly average. And by that, I mean that there was only one series I thought was SUPER DUPER WOW AMAZING OMG!!! though I have a few other favourites *ω*
It's kind of like... Hmm~ I'm not sure how to explain it.. ^^;
Like, for me, this season was made up of series I either LIKED or DISLIKED.
There was no "Meh, it's okay..." kind of feeling :,) ..I think?
But the anime series I did like and the ones I also consider a favourite definitely outnumbered the ones I didn't like, so that's all good! (/^▽^)/

So with that being said...
Let's get staaaarted~! 

[ Remember, of course, that the answers to these questions are all my opinion. So don't get all freaky if I dislike something you like ]

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List of Winter Series I watched;

- ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
- Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen (recommend)
- Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari (recommend)
- ChäoS;Child
- Chiruran: Nibun no Ichi
- Demi-chan wa Kataritai (recommend)
- Gabriel DropOut (recommend)
- Granblue Fantasy The Animation (..although just two episodes aired; the series will continue on the 1st of April, I believe)
- Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 (recommend)
- Kuzu no Honkai
- Little Witch Academia (TV) (recommend)
- Masamune-kun no Revenge
- Nyanko Days
- Rewrite: Moon and Terra
- Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel
- Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen (recommend)
- Seiren
- Super Lovers 2 (recommend)
- Tales of Zestiria the X 2nd Season (recommend)
- Urara Meirochou (recommend)

List of Winter OVA's I watched;

- Days OVA (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Hatsukoi Monster (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- High School Fleet OVA (airing March 31st)
- Oshiete! Galko-chan
- Super Lovers OVA (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)

List of Winter Movies I watched;

- Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 2 (recommend)
- Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari Part 3 (recommend)
- Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Kuroko no Basket: Last Game (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale (haven't seen it air with subtitles yet..)
- Trinity Seven Movie: Eternity Library to Alchemic Girl (recommend)

List of Winter Specials I watched;

- Amanchu! Special (airing March 29th)
- ChäoS;Child Episode 0 (I'd say it's worth watching if you need a recap of ChäoS;HEAd)

1. What was the best anime?
For me, I would definitely say the best anime was Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen 

This is the second season to Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu and while I loved that anime SO much, I actually liked the second season SO much more! *ω*
Sukeroku Futatabi-hen is a mature, wonderful and emotional story. The pacing of the story telling is excellent (even though some of the time skips surprised me!) and the characters development is incredible, too! ;ω;
This season centres more around Yotaro who has now attained the title of Yurakutei Sukeroku III and also, with the given permission of Yakumo (man with the white hair in the picture above), gained the rank of Shin'uchi. Rakugo is a form of story telling where the performer will memorise different stories and sit on a stage and repeat them in front of an audience. The sad thing now though is that Rakugo is a declining form of performance that not many people are interested in. This anime is the struggle of Yotaro trying to keep Rakugo alive with his performances and also supporting his new wife Konatsu who is a single mother. Also Yakumo features more heavily in this season as an older man not really able to perform much anymore and his declining health which ultimately leads to a very upsetting end;;;
I would recommend this anime to anyone, honestly! It's such a unique experience watching a series like this; it really sucks you in and the Rakugo performances the characters do are really amazing and funny and emotional! I can say right now that this season definitely had me sobbing on several occasions (ノД`)・゜・。Mostly due to the fact you see Yakumo almost die more than once until that episode towards the end when it actually happens.. It's truly heartbreaking </3 The relationships between the characters can be strained at times, but also flow as easily as breathing! And I can say that's one of the appeals with this anime is that it shows realistic relationships instead of all the "happy and fluffy" stuff you often see ^^
In fact, I loved this anime so much I added it to my favourites list on MAL! I even bumped it right up to number three underneath Durarara!! and CLANNAD an honour >ω<
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen is a very special series that will leave a serious impression on you; I'm still thinking about it even after it finished this gone Friday;;;
I already can't wait to watch both seasons again! ♥

[ my rating; 10/10 on MAL ]

2. What was the worst anime?
I'd have to say... The worst anime was Schoolgirl Strikers: Animation Channel.

I mean, when I first found this anime...I didn't really have any huge or low expectations :,)
The only reason I was inclined to watch it in the first place is because Miyukichi and Hana-chan were in it :,)
..and even they couldn't save it ^^;
I'm not really even sure how to describe the plot of this series...
Well, it's somewhere in the near future and these weird creatures called Obli keep showing up (I think crossing from another dimension, somehow..) and there are these forces that fight against them. And the girls above make up on of those forces called "Altair Torte" which...sounds like it should be a dessert or something X,D
And one of the main characters, Miyama Tsubame, has apparently come from the future [SPOILER ALTERT XD] and...I'm not really sure how that happened :,)
Other than that, I feel there isn't much else to say because that really is it! .-.
This series also fails at making the fight scenes with the Obli even remotely exciting, so the whole thing just feels like a drag;; When they aren't fighting Obli, they're either at school or hanging out somewhere else and I usually don't mind School Life and Slice of Life series, but I don't really enjoy it with this series :,) It's too dull and not entertaining to watch.
Personally...I wouldn't recommend this one. It's not worth it ^^;

[ my rating; 4/10 on MAL ]

3. What was your favourite anime?
My favourite anime was Tales of Zestiria the X 2nd Season *ω*

The first season for this series was actually featured in my Summer 2016 Anime Review as, what I thought, was the best series! ^ω^ So no surprise really that I had to feature it again as my favourite ♥
Tales of Zestiria the X 2nd Season obviously continues on from the first season ^^
Out of the first and second season, I think the second season is my favourite (^∇^)
I feel like everything properly started taking a serious turn this time! You learn a lot more about Rose and Dezel which was amazing since I love those two so much! *ω* There were also many more links to Tales of Berseria which was fascinating to see how they linked the two stories together! And in the latest episode, Sorey came face to face with The Lord of Calamity and the last epiSODE IS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME!! I CAN't WaiT!! (≧∇≦)
This anime series follows a young boy known as Sorey who, after travelling to the capital, discovers he is the Shepard who will cast away calamity from the World. His journey continues with his companions Mikleo, Lailah, Edna, Dezel, Zaveid (who are Seraphim; beings that can't be seen by regular humans), Rose and Alisha as they work towards putting an end to The Lord of Calamity and ridding the World of malevolence.
It may not seem hugely exciting and sounds like your typical fantasy/adventure series, but it really is pretty amazing! It's based on the Tales of game Tales of Zestiria and Tales of games are always pretty deep with their stories, so you can't fault that! ^^
I'd recommend giving this anime a try! It's really fun to watch and the relationships the characters have with each other are great; especially Sorey and Mikleo! They're the sweetest! >/ /<

[ my rating; 10/10 on MAL ]

4. What was your favourite OP. song?
This was the first song that came to mind when I thought of this question! >ω<
And that song is Itteki no Eikyou (Ao no Exorcist: Kyoto Fujouou-hen).

I love this song! ♥ I mean, UVERworld are never not awesome... But this song is seriously awesome! *ω*
I listen to it every single day and it's still as cool as it was the first time I heard it :,) Also the song in general paired with the animation of the opening sequence is too perfect! ⁽(◍˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)⁽
Awesome. Song. >/ /<

5. What was your favourite ED. song?
Another easy question!! >ω<
My favourite was INNOSENSE (Tales of Zestiria the X 2nd Season).

First of all.
I LOVE THEM!! *ω* One of my favourite Japanese bands! They are seriously cool! >/ /<
And this song is seriously cool, too! ♥
They also did the OP. song for the first season of Tales of Zestiria the X which was Kaze no Uta and...I actually think I liked INNOSENSE better! *O* ..that is saying something since I literally lived for Kaze no Uta when it came out asDFGHjkL////
But it's because Flow is SO awesome!! They always keep getting better than the best! ♥ω♥

6. Who was your favourite seiyuu of the season?
My favourite seiyuu was definitely, without a doubt, Akira Ishida (voiced Yakumo "Kikuhiko, Bon" Yuurakutei from Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen).

This wasn't a hard question to answer for two reasons.
1. must know by now how much I loved Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen, right? ..if not, did you even read my review? >. >
I first took notice of his voice when I played the Otome game Amnesia: Memories in which he actually voiced my favourite character, Kent ^/ /^ I then kept hearing his voice in anime series a lot and he eventually turned into a seiyuu whose voice I can name like THAT! ^^
He's definitely one of my all time favourite seiyuu//////
Akki's voice is really unique; it has a quality that I can't really hear in any other voice! I mean, no voice is the same...but you know what I mean :,)
His voice has a mature sound to it and... Ohmygod! It can really make me swoooon~ ////////
In Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen, he obviously returns to voice Yakumo who is noticeably older this season. And Akki portrays that so well! In the first season when Yakumo is a lot younger, his voice obviously sounds younger~ But in the second season, he is a lot older and even as his health decreases, you can really hear Akki changing the sound to his voice and towards the end, you can really hear Yakumo struggling and it's like..
 "Akki! Please! You're SO amazing!"
He is a very talented voice actor and I admire the ability he has in his voice range ^ω^

7. Who was your favourite male character?
My favourite male character was Yotarou from Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen.. (surprise, surprise) >ω<

This anime really is appearing a lot in this review, huh? ^^;
But I had to choose Yotarou! I couldn't not! I love him so much ;ω;
He wasn't really in the first season much at all... It was just at the beginning when he was released from prison and Yakumo agreed to take him on as his apprentice. You then see him again at the end and that's it since the first season was about Yakumo and his friend Sukeroku growing up wanting to perform Rakugo and everything that happened in their lives. So I was excited when I heard the second season would be focusing more on Yotarou ^^
But reasons why he was my favourite character...
He's very positive, upbeat, loud and funny :,) He's also very passionate about Rakugo and is determined to keep it alive for as long as he can;; Yotarou is also very sweet ^^ He marries Konatsu and treats her son like his own child and he also looks after Konatsu very well, too! They're a very cute couple and I believe he is the right person to be with Konatsu ♥
He's also strong of mind and never backs down! And I like that about him very much ^^

8. Who was your favourite female character?
Easy question for me!
I choose Atsuko "Akko" Kagari from Little Witch Academia (TV) >ω<

I'd say it's impossible to dislike this ball of endless energy :,)
Akko is so full of energy that she even makes ME look listless :,) She's very positive and optimistic and wants to be a Witch because she idolises another Witch called Shiny Chariot and wants to be like her more than anything!! Since Akko doesn't come from a magical family, she struggles to use magic when she arrives at her new school, Luna Nova. But she doesn't give up!!
She fights hard for everything and even ends up being able to wield Shiny Chariot's Rod and becomes it's new master (picture above) ^^
I give Megumi Han a serious "well-done-omg-you're-so-awesome!!' for bringing Akko to life :,)
No one could do it quite like her ^^
I'd recommend watching this anime series simply for Akko :,) It's so much fun watching her get into different and mostly silly predicaments that she'll eventually solve :,)
She's also really cute with...a variety of entertaining facial expressions! >ω<
Omg! I do! I really love Akko :,)

9. Who was your least favourite character?
Bleh. Is there anyone else to choose besides Akane Minagawa from Kuzu no Honkai? .-.

If there are any reasons for her being the way she is, I honestly couldn't care less.
That's how much I hate her.
I mean, I don't like the anime in general if I'm being honest.
I think it's a seriously ridiculous story;; And every single character is so pathetic it just seriously depresses me;;
Smut only bothers me in this anime because no one likes the person they're doing it with! And if they do, it's just one person who likes the other; it's not reciprocated.
Seriously don't waste your time on this anime, it's just ridiculously depressing and dull .-.
But anyway, back to Akane.
All she does is exploit her looks to get with every guy she wants. It's literally all she does in the series! She even sleeps with one character to get a reaction out of the person who loves that character.
She's seriously a disgusting woman and, even though I have ZERO liking feelings towards this anime and couldn't really care less, she still manages to get under my skin and irritate me enough to actually warrant feelings of hate towards her > <
Yea. She's hella baaaaaaaaaaaaaad news :,)

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So that was my Winter Anime Tag!
I'm definitely looking forward to Spring 2017 because...
There's actually quite a few second seasons that will be airing which I'm looking forward to ^^ And some originals and Light Novel adaptations I'm looking forward to seeing ♥
As of right now, the Spring 2017 season looks to be a promising one! *squeals* >/ /<

I hope you enjoyed reading this tag! ^^
And if you're interested, here is a link to my MAL account :3

Thank you for reading and have a great day! n.n
