Wednesday 14 December 2016

Days (TV)~

Yahalloooo~ (^ _ ^)/

So the Fall anime season is coming to a close (which means I'll be doing my Seasonal Anime Tag soon) but before that, I have a particular anime I just...want to dedicate an entire blog to.
And that anime is...
Days (TV)
This anime actually started airing in the Summer 2016 season, but because it's had 24 episodes, it'll be ending with most Fall series ^^

When I was looking through the Summer anime series that would be airing and came across Days, it didn't immediately catch my attention. I think maybe because I'm not always a huge fan of sports series and soccer is one of...pretty much every sport that I know next to nothing about ^^; So I just passed Days like..
 "Meh. I'm sure I won't be missing out on anything."
As well as looking through the anime series that will be airing, I also go to my favourite seiyuu pages and see if they'll be in anything and sometimes watch series just for them. And, of course, I saw that Yocchin (Hiroyuki Yoshino) who is literally...probably my favourite ever male seiyuu would be in Days.
So I thought to myself..
 "Oh, alright~ I'm sure it'll be a decent anime anyway."
In actuality, this anime has an insane cast of perfectly awesome seiyuus! It's just... Yocchin. I love you the most! 
So after deciding to watch it because of Yocchin, I went into it not really expecting much and just thought that it'd be a fun series that I'd probably think was relatively average by the end.
I have never been so wrong in my whole entire life!

Days follows the day-to-day lives of two boys in particular; Tsukushi Tsukamoto and Jin Kazama. These two boys end up meeting one day by chance and Kazama convinces Tsukushi to play a game of soccer with him. Tsukushi has no experience in soccer, but because he's such a lovely person, he complies and goes along with Kazama. They then end up realising they attend the same school when they meet again and Kazama, who has already decided to join the soccer team, ends up being accompanied by Tsukushi who, after discovering how much he enjoys soccer from the game he shared with Kazama, chooses to join as well. The anime continues on following these two and the other members of Seiseki Soccer Club as they face the ups and downs of Soccer }

From that plot, it may sound quite cliché and fairly basic and, while that isn't exactly wrong, this anime presents many different things that I personally think sets it apart from your average sports shounen and really just...lets you fall into the anime and have a great time watching it!

As far as the story goes you have your sport, your sports team and your matches.
But Days really does manage to keep everything so exciting and tense. Like, I'm always on the edge of my seat whenever there is a soccer match going on :,) It's not like Kuroko no Basket and how each main character has a specific skill that always comes in handy at exactly the right moments. The characters in Days are people who genuinely love soccer and are good because they've practiced and worked hard; not because they have some miraculous skill that doesn't always make sense ^^;
Each episode gets better and better and just keeps sucking you in. It's really hard to explain but I find that I can never look away when watching an episode! *ω*
Even the filler episodes are enjoyable, too! ♡ Because, more often than not with filler episodes, you find your concentration drifting when there isn't anything of huge interest going on. But another thing Days does is make these filler episodes entertaining and as enjoyable to watch as the soccer matches. You've got all these different characters doing all these different things and dealing with different things.. Honestly there is never a dull moment in any one episode, I swear that you to right now!

Speaking of characters...
OhMyGOD are the characters in Days something else! :,D
They vary widely from calm to excitable. To compassionate to aloof. To stuck-up to easily agitated. Not one character in this series has the same personality, they're all very different and it's because of this reason that they all blend together so well and are able to make Days into a beautiful journey. They come across many trials and difficulties and it's their clashing personalities that bring them together during these times that they're able to pull through and remain such a close-knit group of friends.

I want to take a moment here to look at Ooshiba and Kimishita.

These two clash the most and are always seen arguing and appearing to never get along :,) But like that common thing people are always saying..
 "It's because they get along that they argue so much."
..I mean, I think that applies in this case.
Who knows. Maybe they really don't like each other!
No, they definitely do. I know they get along really ;3

Also with the characters in this anime, they all seem to have flaws to them whether it's something in their personality or something they deal with in private. But it's because of said flaws that you can find a character you relate to the most and you will find that this character means something really special to you.
You are also able to watch these characters grow and develop with everything that makes them who they are and that makes it all the more easier to feel excited, happy and proud when they achieve something! 
For example, you have Tsukushi.
He is a precious person. He could easily be one of my favourite protagonists ever. He's loyal, caring, humble, sensitive and at first...really, really sucks at soccer. But he's determined! He practices long after everyone else finishes and runs laps around the soccer field constantly. And you are able to see his efforts pay off in each match they play until that moment comes when Tsukushi scores a GOAL! I actually cheered out loud when that moment happened! I was so proud of him! >//ω//<
..he's also really good at cheering the team on!
SEISEKI! FIGHT! (•̀o•́)ง

It's also a perfect example to show how hard work pays off and that you should never give up and that when you try, you really can do anything!

Also! I want to take another moment here to look at Tsukushi and Kazama.

They have such a wonderful friendship! ♥
They really are, like...the bestest of friends ;ω; Kazama is always there to cheer Tsukushi on and Tsukushi is always looking out for Kazama, too! I just... AAAAAAAHMYGHAAAAD!
..I also love Kazama in general. He's an awesome guy and...really hotttt!! 

As for my personal favourite character... I'm going with Kurusu Hiroyuki ^^

I mean, I may be sliiiiiightly biased towards Kurusu because he's voiced by Yocchin. And, as I've already mentioned, Yocchin is by far my most favourite seiyuu ♥ //////
BUT! I really do like Kurusu :,)
He's very funny! He always has something to say and he is also such an ambitious soccer player as he's been playing it since he was very young ^^
..OMG! I bet baby Kurusu is the cutest thing EVER!! ♡ ..SHOW ME YOUR BABY PHOTOS, DADDY!!!!!!!!!
He's also...very hot and cold towards Tsukushi :,) Like...I can't tell if he likes him or not :,) Sometimes he's shouting at him for something or another and then the next moment, he's running along with his friends cheering Tsukushi on as he runs down the soccer field!
So.. I'm not sure ^^;
He's also ridiculously vocal; both in voice and body language :,)
Also Kurusu seems to think his talent in soccer lies with passing the ball, but he's actually better at holding onto the ball. He can keep a hold of it for aaaaages!! And because of this, he works very well with Haibara who was actually the first one to praise him for his ability to keep the ball! ^ω^
And because he's so obsessed with soccer, his grades are pretty bad.
..I guess that's where I relate to him since I didn't apply myself a huge amount when I was still in school ^^;

Oh! And another reason to love him is because he did this ↓

I have no idea.
All I know is that I love it and I cried with laughter when I first saw it :,)

UuuUuggGhhghHGHGH!! I would sooo marry that guy! ;;;

I also love the soundtrack that comes with Days! *ω*
I LOVE the Opening and Ending songs! Especially the second OP.

But really. EVERY song is great! ♥

Ending No. 1 ^^
(Sung by Takuto Yoshinaga, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Daisuke Namikawa, Daisuke Ono and Mamoru Miyano)

Ending No. 2 ^^

Something I really like about the opening songs is that you can actually see how everyone has gotten better and improved! Like, the first op. song focuses on what it takes to get better and the second op. song shows the result of that effort! The determination in Tsukushi's face in the second op. is what I love the most! *ω*
Also I love how the friendship between the team is shown in the second ed. song ♡
I interpret that ending as soccer being the sun in their lives and that the team is what makes it shine all the more brighter as they're working together to get it that way! ♥ ..I'm not sure if that's correct, but it's how I see it~

The soundtrack in general is awesome! It fits into every scene perfectly; almost like a puzzle piece. And the voice actors are absolutely P-E-R-F-E-C-T! They match with the character they play so well that it makes the characters even more believable and relatable and loveable!
KYAH~ /) / / /(\

I would also like to say that MAPPA has done a very good job with this anime! ^O^
To me, MAPPA is a very decent anime studio and has produced and adapted some very decent and enjoyable series and the work they put into Days is obvious to me ^ω^
While the animation does fault sometimes, it hardly takes any enjoyment out of the show. And I personally love it! Especially the way the characters move ♡ They've animated it well enough that you can see the effort the characters make to push themselves across that field! Also right down to the trips and falls.. I love it all so much;;;

The thing with Days is that, while soccer is the main feature, I feel that the bonds and friendships between the Seiseki Soccer Team is what connects all those little dots ^^ To have soccer is all well and good, don't get me wrong! But what would it be without a real team?! And Seiseki does feel like a real team. And I love everyone on that team SO much that is actually hurts ♥
I don't think I'll ever get over how much I love this series :,) I'm all ready to watch it again once it finishes and ready to read the manga before the second season airs! ..Oh boy, if you had seen my reaction to the fact there is a second season >ω<"
I really think Days is extremely under-rated and not enough people know about it;;; And it's such a shame because it really is such a great series! I really suck at putting my feelings into words, especially when it's about something that means a lot to me... But just trust me when I say that Days is brilliant! If you like the sport genre with great characters and development, seriously Days is what that IS!
And it really teaches you a lot of lessons and never lets you forget about the important of Never giving up! I can't say it right, I really can't but...
Days (TV) really makes me feel so, so happy! I love it so much and I'm so happy to have watched such an amazing series! ♥ ..I'm going to cry SO MUCH when the last episode airs on Saturday;;;;;;

How did this end up turning into a review type of thing?? > <
That wasn't my intention, I just wanted to talk about Days but somehow I ended up covering each aspect like a review ^^;
..Oh well! :3

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and I hope you are watching Days! If not...
Go. And. Watch. It. ^^

Thank you for reading and have a great day! c:



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