Saturday 10 August 2013

I'm alive! :,)

Well, hay buddies~! :3
..I do this a lot, don't I? ._.

I'm really sorry I leave such huge gaps between blog posts (..I always say that! At least...I think I do?!) but this time I promise that won't happen again <,:
But try not to hold me to that..heh n.n'
SO! What have I been doing? ..not much really :,) my life is boring, I know!

Well, yesterday I got Tales of Xillia the newest edition in the Tales Series :3
I played it all day yesterday and all day today up until now and I love it SO much already~! n.n I can never fully understand how graphics for a video game can be so beautiful ;3;
And especially with the Tales Series c: another aspect of these games that always blows me away is the amazingly detailed story lines; they get you hooked immediatly immediately! :D
For anyone who hasn't played a Tales game, I recommend you do~!
OR failing that, you can watch a Tales game! :D yes, some of them have been made into Anime's! >w<
Ones that I'm aware of are..
~Tales of the Abyss
~Tales of Phantasia
~Tales of Eternia
~Tales of Symphonia

                                                           yay! n.n

Also while I've been away (after watching the film and loving it) my sister was telling me that I needed to read the book of The Perks of Being a Wallflower, so I did :3
Ohmigosh~! No words to explain how great that book is! I wish I had that book going through my teen years :,) it would of helped me...A LOT!
The Tunnel Scene <3
Watching that scene, reading that scene...I can't help but cry :,)
 "And I swear, in that moment, we were infinite."
*cries in a corner*
If you haven't watched the film or read the both! :D
It'll be one of the best choices of your life :3

Last weekend, I went to Nottingham with my mum so we could go and see From Up On Poppy Hill the newest Studio Ghibli film :3
If you aren't already aware, Studio Ghibli means SO much to me ;3; everything they create is perfection in my eyes! Honestly, without their films...I'm not sure how I would be living my life right now, I really don't. Studio Ghibli really did change my life and continues to do so <3
But this film....was so breathtakingly AMAZING~! A gem! Perfectly nostalgic, a joy to watch and visually stunning * w *
I felt such a strong connection with the characters that I could feel their pain, their loss, their understanding and realisation. By the end of the film, I was in tears ; ~ ;
Not just because of the reasons I mentioned, but also because nothing could ever be more perfect :3
I can't wait for it to be released on DVD~! I'm buying it, buying it, SO BUYING IT! >w<

Am I boring you guys yet? n.n No? Then...can I continue? ..yay! xD
I have been doing A LOT of writing lately :3
I love writing stories and one of my dreams is to one day have a book published c:
Are any of you aware of the AMAZING Wii game Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories? <3 I hope so because it's one of my favourite games ever~!
Anyway :3 after playing Another Code: Two Memories and then the sequel being Another Code: R - A Journey Into Lost Memories, I couldn't stop thinking about what it would be like for Ashley, Matt and Liz to meet again at Lake Juliet ( ^ v ^ )
And because of that, I wrote a sequel sequel :3 well...I am still writing :,) I think at the moment, it's around 30 pages, which I know isn't a lot, but I'm not aiming for it to be a real story, just a short one <:
But I'm really proud of how well it's coming along! Maybe when I'm finished, I'll share it if I can find a way c:
But as for publishing a book, I have the perfect story idea :D I have been writing notes about the characters, the plot...just, everything to make sure it's exact before starting to write :3
I get SO excited thinking about this story because it's even something I would read myself :,)
It's completely fantasy based (which is my LYFE) with a love story also n.n EEK~! I can't wait to start writing this :,)
I feel like Shizuku in Whisper of the Heart, I just CAN'T WAIT for this story to take form on paper! :3

Pheeewf~! n.n
That was a pretty lengthy blog, huh? Well...not really :,3 but yanooee?!! xD
I think I'll stop here for now :)
I will really try and do more regular posts because, like I have said before, I love writing so...I should really do things like this more often :3
As for now? I think I'll pay Floria (my town in Animal Crossing: New Leaf) a visit and bid you all farewell~!
Have a beautiful day and remember...
You are infinite c;
BYESIES my friends~
                                       xoxo :3 

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