Wednesday, 30 April 2014

It's that time again . . . UPDATE TIME! :3

I'm singing while writing this...please forgive any typos.
Konnichiwa~! n.n

How are you all doing~? :3
It's been a while since I've done a proper update...thingy :,3 all I've done here lately is post fanfics...yes.
So, let's see if I can remember how to do this :F

Well. I'm doing great, thaaankyhuuu! n.n I know you probably didn't ask...but, it's an update afterall~ c:
What's been going on in my life lately..?

Not an awful lot this month, I'm afraid .w. but NEXT month ;D A LOT is happening!
...well, a lot to me...May is going to be VERY exciting! :D

On the 7th of May;
Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi is released for the PS3! I've already ordered mine (the Collector's Edition) and I'm planning on making an unboxing video for my YouTube channel! :3
I'm suuuper excited for this game because I LOVE Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinsengumi and even though these two are kinda similar, Stories comes with more CG images which is HNNNNG-some and you also get routes with characters that were none-playable in Memories ;3 so that includes Yamazaki, Sanan (..ew), Nagakura (HELLS YA' ;D) and...I don't know why I think Kondou...I might be wrong about him, but for some reason he is in my head :,)
ALSO! You get the Sweet School Life DLC which I am SO SO SO SO excited for! Like, you have NO idea! <3

On the 8th of May;
I am going to see Sons & Lovers with my best friend which I am SO suuuper stoked for <3
I first saw these guys when I went to a gig for The Naked and Famous and instantly liked them! You rarely see good opening bands these days, so I was blown away to see an AMAZING opening act, let alone GOOD! :,3
So that should be very awesome! :3

On the 9th of May;
I am going to see The Wind Rises which is the most recent Studio Ghibli film to be released in select cinemas <3 I have been waiting for this film...FOREVER! And now that it's finally being released...I'm literally crying everyday! I can't WAIT! You guys don't understand how much I'm struggling with the release date getting closer and closer :,3 heart palpitations are becoming a regular thing with me now thanks to this never ending anticipation and excitement! X,3 heuhuhh~

Then there is a bit of a break...ft. my dad's birthday on the 17th :,)

On the 24th of May;
I am going to the London MCM Comic Con. and I'm ALSO super stoked for that because I haven't been to a con., 2010? 2011? Or was it 2012? I can't actually remember...but it's been a while! :,3
I'm even more excited because I'm cosplaying this time <3 (...if everything arrives soon!) O:
If it does, then I'm cosplaying as Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service <3
I think I'm going to make a very good Kiki, yosh! ;3

On the 28th of May (..I think?);
I am going to be seeing Maleficent which has had me waiting far too long! :,)
Sleeping Beauty is one of my ALL TIME FAVOURITE Disney movies so I'm SO SO SO excited to see Maleficent. Angelina Jolie looks...PERFECT as Maleficent and I don't usually like her :,D
I don't know if it's the 28th or 30th...I've heard many days for this films release :,) but it's around that yay! :D

You guys are probably thinking that isn't a busy month at all :,)
Well, for an introvert like me who prefers to go out as little as's pretty exciting~! And who knows, probably sometime in May I'll make other plans to do stuff...asdfghjkl STOKED!! x,D

You know that feeling when you've sat with your legs folded for ages then stretch them out? GOOD, RIGHT?!

I'm listening to the Another Code: R OST right now...isn't Kelly's Lullaby SO moving?! Who else cried when Matt realised she was...dead? ;-;

Enough random comments now! ^w^
I really just wanted to do a quick update, because no doubt I'll be posting another fanfic soon ;3 ...I say that because I'm working on one :F
Always writing, always writing :,)

Thank you for reading this blog! I hope it was somewhat enjoyable c: ~
I'll make sure to post again soon! I hope.


Monday, 14 April 2014

Questions About ME Tag!

So, I was thinking...
I've had this blog for a while now and some of you who read this may not follow me on other online sites, therefore don't know much about me!
I found these twenty-five questions on the internet and decided to answer them to give you all a better idea of what kind of person I am...sort of! :3

So, let's get this thing started! n.n

1. Most embarrassing moment.
I've had...many embarrassing moments, so for me to pick one now is kinda tricky :,) okay, let's see! *five minutes later* I think one of my most embarrassing moments would be when I was walking home from college one time, it had been snowing so the paths were very icy, and I slipped right over on my BUTT and my lunch box, my books...everything fell out of my bag!
Oh god...thinking about it now makes me cringe and turn bright red! >////<

2. a) Can you drive?
Nope, I can't :,) I did take driving lessons for a while...but I wasn't very good and I absolutely hated it ;n;
So I gave up! XD

2. b) Do you own a car?
I can't drive, so no!

3. Are you mature?
...HAHAHAHAHAHH!! No, definitely not! :,)

4. What year were you born?
1993 (the year of...THE ROOSTER!!)

5. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
To be honest, I really like both :3 I've grown up with cats my whole life, so I don't really know what it's like to live with a dog, but I am getting one soon! n.n
But...yea :,33 I do especially love cats...but I love dogs too! So, I'm going with both! Hah c,:

6. Describe yourself physically.
Okay, erm...I'm about average height (5" 5), I have short, dark red hair (because I recently dyed it), I'm not fat...but I'm not skinny...I have curves, that's what I'm trying to say :,)
Let's see...brown eyes, pale skin.
I think that pretty much covers everything.. n.n"

7. What would you name your first child?
Eek! I LOVE this question! <3
I already have my children's names picked out!!! >w<
Well, if I had a girl first...I would name her Erika.
And if I had a boy first...I would name him Jake.
I want two children, so if I ended up with two girls, it would be Erika and Luna.
If I ended up with two boys, it would be Jake and Toby.
But a boy and a girl would definitely be Erika and Jake! ;3;

8. What is the worst injury you have ever had?
I have never really been injured that badly before...
But...I think it would be when (..god, this is embarrassing..!) I ran into a wall (SHUT UP!) and broke my arm. Yes, yes I ran into a wall and broke my arm. In fact, I squashed the bone :,) I had to wear a cast for...6 weeks, I think it was? Most awkward 6 weeks of my life because you can't even get the thing wet! Or scratch an itch under the cast. BAH!

9. What is your worst habit?
Erm...I do have a really bad habit, but I don't want to say because it's really gross :,)
...okay. For the sake of the question, I'll answer.
First, know that I mostly (sort of..) use tissues to help me out, but I still pick my nose.
*runs away forever to hide...but not before finishing the questionnaire*

10. Do you drink or smoke?
Nope and nope. Smoking is an awful habit and the smell of smoke makes me sick.
I have tried...2 very small shots of alcohol, but hated it.
I don't drink or smoke and I bet I can party harder than all of you that do! ;D

11. Do you have a tattoo?
I have decided the first tattoo I want is the Paramore symbol on the side of my wrist :3 just deciding when to get it now eek! <3